The Trickster Trap : The Influence of Unrealistic Lifestyle Promoters

Is the hustler economy is hustling you?


In recent years, the landscape of social media has been increasingly dominated by male influencers who portray a singular and often unrealistic lifestyle to their viewers and followers. These individuals, ranging in content intensity and audience, frequently project images of perpetual success, luxury, and physical perfection, setting a standard that is nearly impossible for the average man to attain.

While these influencers amass followers and monetize their curated lives, the real impact on male mental health can be profoundly negative. This phenomenon underscores the urgent need for a shift in focus towards values such as:

  • Friendship,

  • Vulnerability,

  • Discipline, and

  • Accountability

to foster true fulfilment and mental well-being. These words could potentially trigger readers, however, when you really think about it, they are a few of the essential pillars of balanced life.

The Dark Side of the Glamorous Life

Male influencers who promote an image of flawless living often benefit from the poor mental health of their followers. I will say that again…… male influencers who promote an image of flawless living often benefit from the poor mental health of their followers!

By showcasing a life filled with constant victories, impeccable physiques, and endless material wealth, they create a comparison trap. Young men, bombarded with these idealized images, may feel inadequate and pressured to conform to these unrealistic standards. The resulting feelings of failure and inadequacy can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and a pervasive sense of unworthiness. Or….they get with the programme. Encouraged to sign up to overpriced content promising unrealistic deliverables.

Moreover, the algorithms of social media platforms exacerbate this issue by continuously presenting content that reinforces these unattainable ideals.

This creates a vicious cycle where young men are constantly reminded of their perceived shortcomings, driving them further into a state of poor mental health. Influencers, in turn, capitalize on this cycle by selling products and services that promise to bridge the gap between their followers’ reality and the influencer’s apparent perfection.

The Power of Genuine Friendship

True friendship is a cornerstone of mental well-being. In a world where superficial online connections are often mistaken for genuine relationships, the value of deep, meaningful friendships cannot be overstated.

Real friends offer support, understanding, and a sense of belonging that no social media influencer can provide. They help us navigate life's challenges and celebrate our successes, no matter how small they may seem.

For young men, fostering strong friendships is crucial. These relationships provide a safe space to share struggles, express vulnerabilities, and receive honest feedback. Unlike the often transactional relationships promoted by influencers, true friendships are built on mutual respect and unconditional support, contributing significantly to mental and emotional health.

However, connection is not reserved exclusively to those with lifelong friendships. It is a long held belief that men bond by engaging in shared activities, such as sports (side-to-side), while women tend to bond through talking and spending time together (face-to-face). This truth holds some merit in the pure fact that engaging in participation towards common goals is in itself a dopamine producing activity.

Aguero’s historic goal in 2012 to win Manchester City the PL title. A perfect example of the bonds created by mutual adoration for something - A tribe of strangers embrace.

Bonds made when supporting similar sports team are a emblematic example of the tribal networks in our minds wired to forge connections over shared joy, suffering or fear. This cooperation is essential to the healthy human experience. As famously mentioned by English poet John Dunne – “No man is an island”

Embracing (Not submitting to) Vulnerability

In the curated world of social media, vulnerability is often seen as a weakness; Influencers rarely show their struggles or failures, perpetuating a myth of constant success and invincibility. However, embracing vulnerability is a key component of improving mental health. Acknowledging and sharing one’s struggles can lead to deeper connections and a better understanding of oneself.

For young men, learning to be vulnerable means breaking free from the impossible societal expectation to always appear strong and in control.

It involves admitting when they need help and being open about their emotions. This practice not only fosters personal growth but also creates an environment where others feel safe to share their vulnerabilities, promoting a culture of authenticity and support.

However it is also important to understand the power and importance of EGO. An area largely misunderstood by healthcare practitioners without a male focus. Ego, often misunderstood as arrogance, is actually a fundamental aspect of a young man's identity and self-perception, playing a crucial role in his career and relationship prospects. A strong and healthy ego enables confidence, assertiveness, and the ability to take initiative, which are essential traits for professional success. In the workplace, a well-balanced ego helps young men navigate challenges, advocate for themselves, and pursue ambitious goals without succumbing to self-doubt or excessive humility.

Similarly, in relationships, a healthy ego fosters self-respect and the ability to set boundaries, while also promoting empathy and mutual respect. By nurturing a robust yet balanced ego, young men can achieve a harmonious blend of self-assurance and humility, paving the way for fulfilling careers and meaningful personal connections.

Vulnerability may not always appear a viable option, sometimes so deeply baked into our subconscious that the mere thought requires mental submersion. However, by finding safe spaces for selective vulnerability, such as with family, friends, a partner or parents, one can benefit from the benefits of vulnerability.

Some may not be fortunate enough to access any of these spaces, for whatever reason - BROTHERLY HAS GOT YOUR BACK. Our anonymous accountability platform assists young men in providing a space to encourage one another to abstain from harmful vices whilst maintaining and bolstering their self-image.

The Role of Discipline and Accountability

While the lifestyles promoted by influencers often emphasize instant gratification and effortless success, the reality is that true achievement requires discipline and accountability. These values are essential for personal growth and fulfilment. Discipline involves setting goals and consistently working towards them, even when faced with obstacles. It is the foundation upon which lasting success is built.

Accountability, on the other hand, involves taking responsibility for one’s actions and decisions. It means being honest about one’s failures and learning from them. For young men, developing a sense of accountability is crucial in achieving their goals and maintaining integrity. This practice not only builds character but also fosters a sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

The Path to Fulfillment

To counteract the negative influence of unrealistic male lifestyle promoters, it is important for young men to focus on cultivating values that lead to genuine fulfillment. This involves:

  • Building strong, supportive friendships,

  • Embracing vulnerability, and

  • Committing to discipline and accountability

By doing so, they can create a balanced and realistic approach to life that prioritizes mental health and personal growth over superficial success.

The rise of promoting unattainable lifestyles highlights the need for a fundamental shift in how young men approach their lives. By focusing on authentic relationships, embracing their true selves, and committing to their goals with discipline and accountability, young men can achieve a fulfilling and meaningful life.

This approach not only counters the detrimental effects of unrealistic social media portrayals but also fosters a healthier, more supportive environment for all!


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